Locker Rotex Spares and Rotex Screens
We supply quality replacement Rotex screens and Rotex spare parts for Locker Rotex screeners at competitive prices.
Locker Rotex Spares
Rotex screening machines will perform reliably and efficiently for decades of operation. When replacement parts are required, using high quality Locker Rotex Spares will extend the life of your Rotex screening equipment.
The following Locker Rotex spare parts are available to order from stock:

Aluminium and stainless steel lids, pans, screen frames and other specially fabricated Rotex spare parts are regularly made to order.
Reconditioned Rotex gear boxes are available, and complete Rotex screening machines can also be reconditioned.
Locker Rotex Screens
A wide selection of woven wire mesh screen cloths with PVC taped and eyeleted edges are manufactured in-house for all Locker Rotex type ‘A’ machines.
For GP type Rotex screeners with wooden frames, we supply replacement woven wire mesh Rotex screens as cut pieces with plain edges.
When ordering replacement Locker Rotex spares and screens, customers are requested to supply full details of their Locker Rotex screening equipment including model number and serial number.
Two Deck Screener showing Locker Rotex Screens
One to four deck Rotex machines are available.

NB. ‘Rotex’ is a trade name belonging to Rotex Inc, a business that has no connection with Locker Group